The two camps are essentially mutually exclusive.
The words used by those given to evolutionism to describe "Christianity..." can also be used by Christians to describe evolutionists...
For either position to be presented credibly requires an objective standard/revelation. Only then, can all the facts/information be evaluated as to it's vericity and worth.
The letter of Scriptures forbids G-d's people to learn about other gods and religions or to compromise G-d's word with others (Deut. 12:30f, 7:1-6, 4:2, 18:9-14, Ex. 23:13b, Hos. 4:12-14, 2 Cor. 6:14f, Rev. 22:18-19, Matt. 5:17-20). Although the Spirit of G-d's word allows for G-d's opinion of such for salvific purposes (Ex., Jer 35, Mark 7:1-23, John 4;8;32;13:34, Acts 17, Romans 13;14, 1 Cor. 6:12, 10:12, 13:23, 2 Cor. 10:4-5, Eph. 5:1, Col. 2:8, 1 John 4:4, Jude 21-25)! When Christianity, Messianic Judaism, Biblical and scientific creationism, and resources giving Almighty G-d pre-eminence and His word primacy, crucial to objectivity, are poorly represented, if at all, and passed off as "religious" to be regulated to that section of the library - if at all, or to be passed off as mythological. Educators/this society (or the majority by virtue of the democracy) are showing that most people are at odds with and fighting the Almighty and His Holy word- being soundly interpreted, at least unwittingly to a significant degree.
Without the best available key to objectivity, most people are still essentially crucifying Emmanuel!