Ignoring the differences and/or disagreement between various religions, cults, dieties, organizations, individuals, peoples, etc.WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SIGNIFICANTLY TO RESOLVING THEM OR TO REVERSING THE DETERIORATING SITUATIONS IN THIS WORLD OBJECTIVELY OR WITH G-D'S PRE-EMINENCE! A preacher who opposed the persons who committed atrocities against the Hebrew people in the second world war - Dietriech Bonhoeffer said, "truth can be had through dialogue."As a "preacher," ideally one would use the Holy Bible consistantly to show G-d's truth. Can you see the need to equip staff, parents, students, with the resources necessary to consider and compare primacy claims, or at least to recognize them, try to defend those undergirding their own creed/religion, and to recognize the need to exhibit self-control, kindness, reason, non-violence and good will toward oneself and others as much as possible? The onus is on us to slow, stop and reverse the process of deteriorization in our lives, our families lives and that of the world the world at large.
To Slow, Stop and Reverse this world's deteriorating conditions, the key is His Pre-eminence- The Almighty God, and the objectivity afforded by the Holy Scriptures which deserve primacy! Naturally, we do not want to make waves too much, lest we rock the boat! HOWEVER, IF WE ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION TO THE ILLS OF THIS WORLD, THIS COUNTRY, OUR COMMUNITIES, AND OUR FAMILIES, THEN WE ARE STILL PART OF THE PROBLEM. Logic might have us lean to our own reasoning rather than to the dictates/doctrines/SPIRIT of the L-rd's soundly interpreted WORD! "FRIENDS" can be comprised of members of one's Extended Family(i.e. Relatives...), Nuclear Family(i.e. includes some members of some social agencies and other Issue Oriented Organizations), and/or Spiritual Family(i.e. some members/ adherents of one or more Faith/ Religious/ Support Groups! Boards of Education, Colleges and Universities naturally want most people with whom they have to do to trust them. In the course of one's Business, Career or Occupational pursuits, Recreational pursuits, and/or other pursuits, the more TRUST that is developed and experienced, the better the FRIENDSHIP will be. Due to the complexity of life with the possible physical, social, emotional, mental and psychological ramifications of making changes in one's thinking and pursuits, it is IMPERITIVE that you thoroughly understand the NEED, place for, and the ultimate long-term BENEFITS of, anything that will impact on relationships established to date. Appreciating the NEED for and the potential BENEFITS of the concept of MAXIMUM OBJECTIVITY through the WORD and PERSON of HIS PRE-EMINENCE- ALMIGHTY G-D, CAN GIVE rise to dissention, upheaval and turmoil in a persons life which can leave him disoriented, unless he is prepared for it, having an overview that enables him to cope with the suffering he may experience in his own life, as he attempts to slow, stop and reverse the fracturing of provinces, countries, organizations, families and even the possible grieving process he may have to go through as friends, family and others may well exercise their free will and ignore or resist, challenge or make light of him/his efforts-unaware of the conspiracy which they are a part of.